Monday, March 07, 2005

Why I Support the Billy Graham Crusade (and Pray You Do Too)

Billy Graham is coming to New York in June for his final crusade in the city, and quite possibly the last crusade of his distinguished career. So what? Why should you care, beyond perhaps the historical curiosity of the 86-year old, so-called “Protestant Pope” retiring?

My friend, for one, doesn’t. He's a respected youth pastor in the city who told me: "I don't [care] about Billy Graham and I don't [care] about this crusade." Shocking as this might seem to some, I don't believe he meant any disrespect. ...

Locally, our collective response to this Crusade says much more about the makeup of Christ's team in Greater New York than it does Billy Graham or his ministerial association. Can we forgive past frustrations? Can we link arms with folks whose traditions are a little different than ours? Can we join our community mission to a larger ministry vision? Can we bear the relative inconvenience of attending trainings, participating in the process (not just the event!), and sacrificing a June weekend?
By Jeremy Del Rio, excerpted from the March issue of the Tristate Voice. Read the entire column here.


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